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  • Writer's picturePete Valerian

A Season To Remember

Running off at the computer as I reflect back on the greatest basketball season in NDC history. One thing that was very evident was the refuse to the lose attitude of this team. As Coach Tim Koenig stated at the conclusion of the year this team played their best when there backs were against the wall. That was never more evident than in the last four games of the season. First winning the MEC Tournament to get into the NCAA tournament with the automatic bid. Then in the regional game against Virginia State the team fought to the end. They could have folded up the tent as a team down 22 against Virginia State but as Koenig mentioned it was part of the team's DNA. That is a testament to the Coach Of The Year in the MEC.

Will Vorhees will go down as the greatest player in NDC history. He will be the first player in NDC history to have his number retired. As Koenig would say after the the Virginia State game some of you had the pleasure of watching Will play all season long. Others watched him play for the first time today. I think we would all agree that it is a good decision that no one will ever wear #41 again for NDC. Vorhees ended up first all time in points scored in NDC history. He was also first in offensive rebounds and second in overall rebounds in the history of the school. Vorhees was 16th on the D2 scoring list. That was the most points by anyone in 27 years. He was also first in field goals made. It become a tall task to do it without Hodges and Thurman.

Speaking of Hodges and Thurman Vorhees described both players and what they meant to the team. It was really hard to d it without Bruce and Renz. Thurman would be play one minute in the game against Virginia State but literally could not run so that was tough for everyone. Thurman was injured in the exhibtion game against Wright State and missed the first three games of the regular season. That seems like it was so long ago. As for Hodges he is one of the toughest kids I have ever had the opportunity to cover. Already playing with a bad foot that was in a boot for much of the season Hodges tore his groin in the Virginia State game. He would give it a go but could not continue. Koenig talked about all season long how the team was so much better at the defensive end with Hodges on the floor and that was evident again on Saturday. As was stated by Vorhees in the press conference after the season ending loss this team gave every ounce of energy they had to win the MEC Tournament. Hind sight is 20/20 and everyone knows what a different team this would have been with Hodges and Thurman. One thing that seems like it was so long ago as well was that Hodges did not start until later in the season. In the opener against Slippery Rock he only played four minutes and never returned. It took a while for this team to gel but when they did they were so fun to watch. Vorhees got all the pub all season long but Hodges and Thurman were the engines that made this team go.

Dan Atcheson did not play much this year but was one of the captains along with Vorhees and Angelo Cugini. Atcheson talked about how this was an unbelievable group of guys to be around both on and off the court. How he loved coming to practice everyday and being around the guys on and off the court.

Angelo Cugini had an up and down season. He struggled with injuries but came up big when it counted at the MEC tournament. He said how this year began in the off-season after the team had such a tough season last year. He talked about them being a family all year long with six or seven new guys in the mix. Everyone would agree that last season was a great learning experience. This season capping it off with an MEC Championship and the first trip ever to the NCAA Tournament was an unbelievable ride. It's always sad to see it end. Having been part of it all season long it was one heck of a ride for one writer who is part of that family the players talked about.

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