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  • Writer's picturePete Valerian

Alumni Spotlight: Road Trips, Solid Relationships, and Teaching His Teammates How To Play KEMPS:

Ryan Hickoff first picked up a basketball when he was four years old, and started playing organized basketball when he was in the second grade. Hickoff was a member of the State Road Elementary Fenton Tigers in Fenton, Michigan.

"Fenton, Michigan was a great place to grow up. It has a small town feel and is surrounded by small lakes. I grew up close enough to the playground where I could walk to a basketball court. In my neighborhood all the kids got together and played outside. In addition we played games like whiffle ball and kick the can,"Hickoff explained.

When asked about what it was like to grow up with a twin brother (Dylan also played for NDC) Hickoff explained the best and worst part:

" It was awesome growing up with a twin brother. We did everything together. The best part about it was always having someone to play with and compete with. The worst part was probably having people mix us up."

Hickoff has also has two older brothers, Nathan (33-) and- Spencer (30.) Their father Dave works in sales for an automotive company called GKN Sinter. As for his mom Christine, she is recently retired from working as a secretary at State Road Elementary School.

Here were the thoughts of Hickoff when talking about his childhood:

"Playing outside with everyone in the neighborhood was the best part of my childhood. I was pretty fortunate as a child. As for the most challenging part, that was probably moving away from my whole family in Pennsylvania when I was four. I moved with my dad because of his job. Our whole family is from our hometown of Emporium, Pa."

Hickoff played AAU, loved it and got a lot of exposure from playing it. He told me that he played for a team out of Detroit (about an hour away from Fenton.) He told me how traveling around the world with his teammates was a lot of fun while competing at the highest level.

Hickoff gave his best guess as to where the love of basketball came from:

" Not sure where the love of basketball came from. I would say it had to do with my older brothers liking it. We would all play in the driveway and fell in love with it."

Hickoff explained one trait that he got from each of his parents:

" My dad gave me his critical thinking. He instilled this in me by always thinking through and evaluating every detail or consequence that a decision may have. As for my mom, she gave me my faith. She would have us go to church every Sunday as a family."

Ryan Hickoff had a great high school experience, he told me. He was involved in sports and a few clubs throughout his time. He played basketball for four years, and football for two at Fenton High School in Michigan. He explained to me that his favorite sport in high school was probably either Math or History.

Hickoff explained how he was found by NDC:

" NDC found me. Either my high school coach at Fenton Tim Elszewski sent them a highlight tape or they saw me during AAU (I don't remember which one.) Coach (Kevin) Billie recruited me though."

These were the first impressions of Hickoff about NDC as a school, and the relationships he built there:

"I liked the school, the area, and everyone I met there when I took my official visit. I am fortunate that my decision worked out great. The relationships that I formed at NDC were one of the best things that happened. It's a small enough college that you know pretty much everyone on campus. I met some of my best friends there, and my girlfriend of four years, Emily Ball."

One of the first people that Hickoff met on campus was soon to be teammate Connor Deckard:

"I first met Ryan at an open gym at NDC. I knew right away Ryan and I would get along. I loved his game, and his work ethic, Deckard mentioned."

Patrick Koenig was another friend, and teammate of Hickoff. He talked about what he learned quickly about Hickoff:

"The first time I met Ryan was during the fall of my junior year. Ryan and Dylan were freshmen at the time, I got to know them by just playing picking up games in the preseason. I would say the following season is when I really got to know him and we had countless laughs."

Koenig continued about his first impression of Hickoff:

" My first impression of him from a basketball standpoint was his height at his position (He was six-foot-four.) He did a little bit of everything on the court, and I always looked forward to playing with him. On a personal level off the floor, I learned very quickly how laid back and funny he was to be around. We watch and quote the same movies, and best of all he never takes himself too seriously."

Jake Lavis was another in the line of NDC players from Michigan who became friends with Hickoff while they were at NDC:

" I believe we met when I visited, but I don't really remember much. I just knew there were a couple other guys from Michigan, which I thought was cool. I don't remember much though. One thing that I will say when I first met Ryan is that I could not tell him and Dylan apart."

Hickoff told me that he definitely became more physical and stronger throughout his years at NDC. Being in the weight room was a big reason why. He also told me:

"I also came into college as a primary scorer from my high school team and developed more into a role player (setting screens, taking smart shots, rebounding, and playing good defense.) I improved a lot over my time in college. I got a lot stronger and more physical which helped a lot. I think the most important thing was how much better my basketball IQ got as the seasons went by."

Hickoff continued and talked about the wealth of talent he played with, especially the team his senior season:

" We had so many talented guys on the team that we pushed each other every day in practice to get better. So I would say all of my teammates and our competitiveness played a huge part in how good that season was. That season (2015-16) we had a lot of talented guys who could really play. We were really deep where anyone on our team could get put in and produce. Tyree (Gaiter) was an amazing player. Him at the point made everything go and having Will (Vorhees) as well was huge. Playing with Dylan and Tyree for all four years was a great experience. It's a bond that i'll never forget."

When asked what practices were like Hickoff told me how intense and competitive they were. How the team would mostly work on fundamentals, skills, shooting, or rebounding and then get after it and compete the rest of time.

Deckard agreed:

"There was a lot of talent on that team my senior year. Dion (Dearmond), Tyree Will, Dylan, and myself... Practices were always really competitive, "Deckard stated.

Koenig talked about how great it was to play with Hickoff:

" Ryan was great to play with because he was so selfless and competitive on the floor. It was very exciting to know that without a doubt Ryan was going to make the right play. A guy like me loves to get up jumpers, and Ryan would instinctively make the extra pass to the open shooter without even batting an eye. It was awesome to see his growth as a player. I think the biggest thing that he improved by his senior year was his basketball IQ. I only played with him for a year and a half, but I was able to watch him all the way through senior year with my brother Tim being the coach. By his senior year, he had a strong grasp of what was needed on the floor. He knew exactly how to impact the game with his skill set. He used his length affectively on defense in the full court and half court to be disruptive. Ryan knew when to let the game come to him, but he also knew the right time to be assertive and aggressive on offense. The best example of that which I will never forget was the semifinal game against Wheeling Jesuit, now Wheeling University in the MEC Tournament. I think Wheeling was top-five in the county at the time, and Ryan arguably had the most efficient and effective minutes of anyone on the floor. The X-factor that got NDC "over the hump" to advance to the MEC Championship Game. He seemed to make every timely play in the game including a couple late game offensive rebound put backs and assisted on some key interior passes for points. He was all over the place that game and made a huge impact offensively and defensively when he was in the game."

Lavis explained to me that Ryan was a very hard worker. When he got the opportunity he made the most of it, and he had some really big plays in crucial minutes of games. Lavis explained how it was ironic that they went to some of the same camps but did not know each other at the time:

" One thing we found pretty ironic is that we actually attended some of the same camps as each other while we were in high school and did not know it. In particular we did a camp at Michigan that players like Glenn Robinson III, Mitch McGary, and a couple other NBA guys were at."

It will come as no surprise that road trips were great. Hickoff elaborated:

"Road trips were great. We were focused but we still had a lot of fun. We would play cards on the bus and in the hotels, we would even hit the pool if they had one. We would have a pregame meal and when it came time to play we were always ready."

Koenig explained the one thing that many people might not know about Hickoff that came into play on the road:

"One thing that people may not know about Ryan is he is highly skilled at the card game KEMPS. If people are not familiar with the game, it's a card game that requires a great deal of focus and constant communication. He always was able to have good cards. The thing that I probably remember most about my senior year playing with Ryan were the practices and road trips. We had some great times and endless laughs. That's what it's all about. When you're on the road and on those long bus trips, it's just you and your teammates. We're talking so many highly competitive games of KEMPS at hotels and many movie lines quoted."

Deckard explained how being in the MEC played a role in the team's road struggles:

" Honestly playing in the toughest conference in America that year was definitely a factor in that. Every night was a battle. We just had trouble finding ways to win on the road which hurt us that year."

Hickoff explained to me about some of the ups and downs at NDC, but how it was nice to finish his career on a high note:

" There were definitely some ups and downs. I was glad to end my career on a high point. I'll never forget my last season at NDC. "

Hickoff mentioned to me that he formed some great relationships during college. Teammates and coaches were probably the biggest part of that. Being with the time almost every day of the season created so many memories and friendships that are still strong to this day.

As for the biggest thing that he learned from his teachers and coaches this what he told me:

" To always work hard and set goals for yourself. This is the key to succeeding. NDC prepared me by helping me with my time management skills. It also helped me with my preparation, coachability, and discipline. The school taught me to keep positive and continue to train in innovative ways. Adversity will come your way, and it is how you react to that adversity that matters most. "

Koenig agreed:

"The biggest thing we learned from our coaches and teachers was first knowing your strengths. Once you finally understand and grasp what your strengths are as a player, the next step is how to utilize your skills to best benefit the team in order for the team to be successful."

Deckard talked about the unique skills that Hickoff had:

" Ryan was always an incredible basketball player with a unique skill set. His athleticism, toughness, and rebounding ability made him extremely versatile and he could play multiple positions."

Deckard explained that he and Hickoff still talk every day. They have a group chat that they text in everyday, it also helps having Ryan be in Cleveland. "Ryan and I try to golf together once a week. He was in my wedding two years ago, so we have stayed really close."

Deckard told a funny story about the two of them that was one of those "You had to be there" stories:

"During Finals week my senior year Ryan and I were sick of studying in the room so we decided to pick up our living room couch and move it outside near the sand volleyball court so we could get some fresh air while studying. It was funny watching people's reactions as they walked by and we were sitting on a couch outside "studying."

Lavis talked about how Hickoff made the most of his opportunity:

" Ryan once he was given the opportunity, really played well. It did not come as much of a surprise because I knew he was ready."

Lavis told me that another thing that the world might not know about Hickoff is that he is a true outdoorsman. Whether it is hunting or fishing, he is always getting something impressive.

Lavis talked about the work ethic that Hickoff instilled:

" He just never gave up, stuck with it, and once he got his opportunity he made the most of it."

Koenig talked first about being a part of Dylan Hickoff's wedding, and how much fun the group always has when they are together:

" Connor, the Hickoff's and I have a group text that we speak through. We usually reminisce about bus trips and funny moments on the road, especially our trips to Goodwill Stores searching for the most vintage gear. Hopefully some future men's leagues to play in as well."

"As for the wedding, it was really cool and awesome to be a part of Dylan's wedding. Up to that point I had never been to Michigan, and it was a great first visit. People go their separate ways and get jobs after college so that face to face interaction is naturally much less. I loved and enjoyed seeing all of my teammates along with seeing Dylan get married. Once you see everyone in person, you first hear updates on what everyone is doing and then it's like it was yesterday reminiscing and having a good time."

Lavis told me that he and Hickoff still speak as well. "We still talk a lot and get together a lot. We weren't on the team together for long but I remember everyone helping push each other, especially guys like Ryan who always performed well but didn't get the minutes we thought he should have."

On the evolution of the relationship he had with Hickoff:

" Our relationship definitely evolved. We lived together sophomore year and then I transferred, but we have always stayed in touch and gotten together. It's nice to have him back in Cleveland now. We actually worked together at a real estate company where he does accounting and is doing a great job. I know everyone there loves having him and really appreciates the same hard work that he put into basketball."

Hickoff talked about how he stays in contact with as many of his former teammates as he can:

" I keep in contact with a lot of my former teammates. It's tough because a lot of us are a ways away from each other, but we try to get together as much as we can. I do follow the program and try to make it to at least one game a year. I just recently moved back to Cleveland from Detroit so that will make going to games easier."

Deckard talked about what it was like for him to see everyone at Dylan's wedding:

" That was an absolute blast having everyone together for Dylan's wedding. Any time you can get old teammates all together in one place that is going to be special."

He then closed by saying how Hickoff is one of his best friends now:

" I am very fortunate to call Ryan Hickoff one of my best friends in the world. I really value his friendship and he is someone I just enjoy being around. I was honored to have him as a groomsman in my wedding."

Hickoff was a key cog in the 2015-16 team that reached the MEC Finals!

The Hickoff twins on Graduation Day!

Born in PA Hickoff (and the rest of his family) are Steelers fans!

Ryan Hickoff!

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