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  • Writer's picturePete Valerian

Dynamic Backcourt Key To NDC Success.

The Notre Dame College Falcons go as the two Jordan's go. The teams top two scorers, Jordan Roland (17.6 PPG-) and- Jordan Burton (14.4 points per contest.) They will lead the surging Falcons into a Quarterfinal Matchup with Glenville State College riding a four-game win streak. The two teams met once earlier this season, with the Pioneers winning 91-80 on 2/3. As NDC Coach Mark Richmond said the NDC squad you see now is a lot different than the one that played at Glenville about a month ago:

" We like where we are a team with our improvement, "Richmond mentioned.

Roland started as a little guy, first picking up a basketball when he was just two years old. Growing up in Flint, Michigan, Roland has always had a good relationship with former Michigan State stars, and one time NBA Players Mauteen Cleaves, and Morris Peterson. "Growing up I got to go to Mauteen Cleaves, and Morris Peterson's basketball camps. I am still close with Mauteen, and Andre Rison,"Roland explained. I get a lot of knowledge of basketball from those guys, and we talk a lot about basketball."

Roland knew in elementary school that basketball was the sport that he wanted to play in college. He started playing AAU basketball at the age of eight or nine years old.

Burton on the other hand grew up in Toledo. "The competition level is very high,"Burton stated. That was the best part of my childhood, the worst part was everybody knew everybody."

Burton played in middle school for Winter Field Venture Academy. That is when he knew that basketball was the sport he wanted to play in college.

Roland has two sisters, Jor'dae is 15, and is an athlete as well. She runs track, and has started her own business where she does, and sells eyelashes. His other sister, Shantel is 31, and is a pharmacist.

Burton has three siblings, James (25-) Jayden (18-) and- Jaslayn 17.) James is a truck driver, while the other two are still in school. Roland's mom Sharena works for State Farm, and his father Phillip works at a college as a cook.

" I get hard work, and dedication from both of my parents, "Roland said.

Burton's mom Yasmanda Hughes, and his dad, Lamont Burton instilled how to figure things out.

"My mom always tried to figure out how to get things done, which is a trait that I picked up from her, "Burton mentioned.

Roland played at Flint Beecher High School. He talked about that experience:

" I went to a winning program. We won three state championships while I was there, and I really enjoyed it."

Burton had a great high school experience as well, at Cardinal Stritch High School in the Toledo Area:

" I keep in contact with my coaches there at least once a week. Once a Cardinal Always a Cardinal."

Burton was recruited to NDC by former NDC Coach, and current Fairmont State Coach Tim Koenig. Then Roland came along after attending Mott Community College. Koenig had this to say about Burton, and Roland prior to a meeting between the two teams earlier this season:

" "Burton, and Roland are two of the best guards in the league,"Koenig stated.

Roland explained the biggest difference between Division II basketball, and the Junior College (JUCO level:)

"The difference is scouting. In JUCO we did not scout, we just played basketball. We didn't watch film either. At NDC we scout the other team, and come up with a scheme to win. Overall I enjoyed my experience at Mott. I would do it all over again if I had too."

Roland talked about the transition from JUCO to DII:

"On the court the biggest battle during those two seasons of not playing was not being able to travel to away games, and not being able to play period. It was my first time sitting out. The hardest part of that was watching my team play when I knew I could help. We did not scout at the JUCO level. Off the court we are in dorms, where as in JUCO I lived at home.

Richmond recruited both of them:

" I was new when I recruited JR, so I told them I wanted them both (Burton, and Roland) to come in, and make a difference at the school,"Richmond explained.

Burton talked about when he met Roland for the first time:

"First time I met Jordan I knew he could hoop."

Roland has battled injuries for much of his college career. This year was the first time that he had played in a game in more than two years. Richmond had this to say about Roland:

" JR has not the shot the ball from the outside as well as he would like, but this is the first basketball he has played in two years. He is a returnee, even though he did not play in any games last season. He knows our stuff better than anyone."

Teammate Mike Sampson talked about Roland:

"JR is a dynamic playmaker who can get to the cup, "Sampson mentioned.

Roland talked about his first encounter when he met Burton:

" When I first met JB, I could tell that he had the same fire, and desire I had, and wanted to win."

Roland explained what it is like to be the only two left from last season's squad:

" Being the only two left from last season's team we knew we had to lead."

Burton agreed:

Last year I looked at the seniors, and asked them what to do. Now everyone looks at me, asks what to do."

Burton told me, what makes the coaching staff so unique is they treat everyone the same no matter what. Roland answered the same question:

" What makes the coaching staff unique is they allow the leaders to have input, and allow us to play free, and play our games."

When asked what the similarities are in his, and Burton's game Roland told me that they are both willing passers is the biggest thing.

Sampson talked about Burton:

"JB can get hot from the 3-point line."

Roland talked about how some people don't know yet about Burton as a 3-point shooter:

" One thing the world may not know about JB is that he shoots 53 percent from the 3-point line, which led the MEC in the regular season."

He continued, and talked about the difference between the two of them on the court:

" JB is more of a 3-point shooter, and pull up shooter. I am more of a playmaker, and driver."

The two guards told me that practice is very competitive at NDC. Everyone is trying to prove they are good enough to play, and be a starter.

Burton talked about this trying season, and what he learned from this season, and last:

" Not having any fans has been tough. It makes me step up as a leader for sure. As for the similarities in our game, "We are both willing passers, and JR gets to the basket more than me."

He continued:

" What I learned from last season is to stay confident in what you do. As for my three-point shooting: "I got up 100 shots per day."

"The other thing I learned in the last couple years, is whether things are going well, or not so well it could be worse."

As for Roland's thoughts:

" It has been tough having games cancelled due to COVID-19, and not having many practices in between. That has definitely been the toughest part of this season. Individually my goal is to make Second-Team All-Conference (Which he did.)

Unprompted the backcourt mates when asked what their best memory of NDC so far is, they both said winning these last four games in a row. We came together as a team, and showed how a good a team we can be,"Roland explained.

Roland was selected to the All-MEC Second Team, and here is what he had to say about that:

" I'm very glad I made second team. I wouldn't have been able to do it without my coaches, and my teammates. My overall goal though is to win the conference with my teammates. I want my whole team to get rings."

Richmond talked about how proud he is of Roland:

" I am really happy, and proud for JR. He's handled the last 18 months unbelievably well. He redshirted for us a year ago, and continued his hard work, and improvement during an unprecedented spring, and summer. He loves the game, and is a competitor. He's done a great job of stepping up, and being a leader on our team."

"Winning the last four games has been my best memory since getting here, "Burton explained.

The first step towards that championship goal comes on Friday (March 5th) with the Quarterfinal matchup with Glenville State at WesBanco Arena in Wheeling. #FlyAbove

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