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  • Writer's picturePete Valerian

From Cleveland Muni To A Chance To Play On.

Derrick Brumfield has been a big part of NDC football for the past four seasons. Saturday he will play his final game on Mueller Field. When he was about five or six years old Brumfield played Pop Warner Football for Cleveland Muni. He was in the Maple Heights school system from grades one-12. It will come as no surprise that at Maple Heights- as well as NDC Brumfield has fit into the family atmosphere. Brumfield is part of a big family (not all blood.) His dad Derrick Brumfield is a clerk at Cuyahoga County juvenille court. His mom Roslyn Mullen is an occupational therapist at Villa Saint Joseph. His step dad Steven Mullen is in law enforcement. His step mother Simone Brumfield is a health care professional. Steven Brumfield is a step brother who is a consultant (24 or 25 years old.) Maraya Mullen (Step Sister) is an Eastern Michigan graduate. Alyssa Mullen (23) is a Cleveland State grad and is in the masters program at Howard University. Shayla Mullen (21) is a step sister and is studying to be a phlebotomist. Carlton Mullen (17) is a step brother and a junior at Maple Heights High School. Devin Brumfield (18) is a blood sister who is a freshman at Kent State. Aubree Sky Brumfield (five) is in kindergarten at Liberty School in North Ridgeville.

Brumfield told me how he had a pretty normal high school experience at Maple Heights. Along with football, Brumfield played basketball and ran track as well. He still keeps in touch with some of the former faculty members. It was interesting to hear one thing that Brumfield had to say about what he learned from his mom and dad that resonated throughout his school days:

" Not listening will get you in trouble. Follow directions the best that you can." Brumfield stated.

When asked what made him choose NDC out of high school, it was a fairly simple answer for Brumfield:

"They wanted me. Once I visited Notre Dame that is where I knew I wanted to go. It was the best decision that I ever made. The faculty- the staff- and- everything about NDC has been great."

Brumfield knew that football was his sport his freshman year:

" I remember my first practice when we were in pads for the first time. I was so nervous that I almost threw up. When that happened I knew football was going to be my sport."

He continued and talked about his first collegiate game:

" It was against Charleston. I was super nervous naturally because it was my first game. I also got my first sack in that game."

Every football player models his game after someone and Brumfield is no different. He would start with LT (Lawrence Taylor) because of his tenacity. Von Miller is another guy who is a speed demon that he really likes to watch play. The last guy is Leonard Floyd from the Chicago Bears. Brumfield said that he really likes to model his game after Floyd because he has a similar body type. Ironically, although it was just given to Brumfield he wears the same jersey number 94, as Floyd.

When we started talking about the ride to the national semifinals last season and the possibility of getting back and winning the national championship this time around you could tell the excitement in Brumfield's voice. He told me that there is nothing he wants more than to get back and win it this time.

"I want to get back more than anything. More than the conference championship or anything else. We are all working towards the same goal.

He continued about the ride last season and how much fun it was to be a part of it:

" It was so much fun! The excitement of the fans- the faculty- the administration- and- the whole school. Playing in all of those close games. Making all of the bonds that you make throughout the journey. We came together as a unit."

A plan A and plan B always has to be in place when one is in college. Brumfield ultimately wants to play football professionally, but if that doesn't work he would like to own his own business. Possibly a nightclub he mentioned to me.

The Falcons have two regular season games remaining and then hope to go on another deep playoff run. Brumfield has one last message:

"You will get out of everything what you put into it. The faculty and staff- everyone at NDC wants you to succeed. No one wants you to fail."

(Photo Courtesy of Lianna Holub)

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