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  • Writer's picturePete Valerian

GRIT, Determination, Undeniable Talent, and Enjoying Pressure....While Defending A Conference Title.

The Woman's Soccer team from Notre Dame College has started the defense of it's Mountain East Conference (MEC Championship.) The home opener is today (September 15th) at 4 PM on Mueller Field when the Falcons take on West Liberty. I caught up with a quartet of Falcons in Jordan Pasalaqua, Madi Marino, Kalie Blaising, and Drew Barr to talk about everything NDC soccer, defense of the conference title, and what it was like to win that title last season.

Pasalaqua gave these thoughts:

"As a group we all earned that championship, no question about it. We worked everyday harder and harder to overcome the things we needed in order to make it there. We also had to play through many injuries. We did not let anything stop us, we left our blood, sweat, and tears on that field and we will carry it with us always."

Barr explained what she thinks clicked in the spring:

" I think what made that team so successful was the leadership and the fact that we felt like we had something to prove. All the seniors really wanted it to end on a good note, which made the underclassmen really work hard so the seniors could leave the way they wanted to. The leadership the seniors gave, I believe, was a reason that helped with everything COVID, the season, and so much more. I know we would not have been able to do it without them. They were all so supportive not just for themselves but for everyone and just wanted the team to succeed. The fact that we didn't have a season in the fall really made the team hungry and ready for the shorter season we had. Once tournament time came around for all of us was when we really knew we had to lock in and focus on the big goal, which was winning the Mountain East Conference Championship. I began to think it was possible really in the semifinals after we won in penalty kicks. I just knew with that momentum we couldn't really be stopped, the only difficulty was the fact that we had to travel to Concord's home field. That was the only advantage they had against us. But that day we came out ready and strong and did what we went there to do."

Blaising answered the same question:

"It was a ton of fun playing with the group of girls that we had. I will definitely miss the seniors that we lost but look forward to the incoming freshman. I was very confident in our team and in our ability we had to win. I believe in taking it one game at a time. I like to play every game as if it is my last and if my last ends up being in the tournament so be it."

Marino talked about the upcoming season:

"The expectations for the upcoming season would be hopefully another ring. I feel that if we work hard as a team and give everything this season we can be successful."

Head Coach Mike Shiels gave his thoughts on the upcoming season:

"I am excited to see what this team looks like. Every team has it's own personality. I am looking forward to working with this team and seeing how they develop."

Jordan Pasalaqua (#1)



Madison, Ohio

Standing at five foot seven inches tall she uses all of that frame.

This is what Barr had to say about the NDC Goalkeeper:

"Jordan is all around the best goalie I have ever played with. Her talents are undeniably amazing. Knowing I have such force behind me when playing really allows me to relax as a player which causes me to play better."

Blaising agreed:

" The thing for me that separates JP from the rest of the goalies is her aggressive style of play and willingness to do anything to save a shot."

Marino gave her thoughts on Pasalaqua:

"JP is different from other goalies in the MEC and other girls I have played with by her overall skill. I've only played one season with her but it didn't take long for me to realize how good of a goalkeeper she is."

These numbers (for the 11 games she was in net this spring) back those statements up:

She allowed just six goals all season long

She recorded seven shutouts (including three on the way to the MEC title.Those seven shutouts tied for tops in the league.

She was second in all of Division II in shutouts

Eighth in goalie minutes played (1069)

24th in save percentage (0.891)

26th in goals against average

27th in total saves with 49

She was named All-MEC Honorable Mention as well as All-MEC Tournament Team.

Pasalaqua explained how at first she was not even sure if she would go to college for soccer:

"At first I never thought I would go to college for soccer. I thought I would go for softball because that's what I thought I was netter at, but due to injury and having a different mindset about the game of soccer I took a different route and surprised not only myself but everyone.

Two of my teachers from Madison, where I grew up, actually roomed with (Coach Mike) Shiels when they were in college. I would say word of mouth and probably some local paper articles got his attention. He reached out to me to see if I would visit. I had not heard much about NDC, but a few of my teachers in high school went there and loved it so I figured I would check it out. I feel I made the right decision to come to NDC, it feels like home."

She then talked about Shiels and his staff:

"Shiels definitely is one of the goofiest coaches I have ever met but I love it. However, you cannot let him fool you because he definitely has very serious moments when he is not happy with us. He does have a great eye for the game and so does his assistant coach Rob (Miller.) Rob is also funny at times, but mostly serious. Yes, you can have fun playing the game but you need to stay focused in order to keep winning. Shiels and Rob are good at reminding us of that on a regular basis. Leadership is probably the biggest thing I have learned from Shiels and how important it is playing a team sport like soccer."

Shiels talked about the importance of Pasalaqua to the team:

"Jordan is a big part of the personality of this team. She is hardworking, has a great personality, and is very talented. I am looking forward to the next step with her. She will be a big part of our team this year, which is a big reason why she is one of the captains this season."

Pasalaqua told me that the first season is a walk through in her mind, to learn the different styles of the game at the collegiate level and learning the other girls style of play. She stated her first year that it was a possibility that she may not start and she would have to earn her spot. She was honest and said it was hard sitting on the sidelines for for the first couple games. "I was not used to it, but I assure you that I am always there for my teammates no matter what. I feel feedback is very important to our team, sometimes it helps to hear from others not always the coaches. My style of play changed a little bit in that distribution from the back is so important to the game. Time management is extremely important because there is a lot to juggle between academics and athletics, "Pasalaqua noted.

Blaising talked about the first encounter she had with Pasalaqua:

" JP was the first friend that I made on the team and I thought it was funny how much we were alike."

Marino talked about meeting the NDC Goalie:

" When I first met JP I could tell how caring and kind of a person she was. She was one of the first people I met on the team and she made me feel so included my first year at NDC."

Barr talked about how the two of them got close quickly:

"I first met Jordan at orientation summer before our freshman year. Our parents hit it off quickly which meant we spent the whole orientation together. I soon began to realize Jordan was going to be someone I would become very close with. Once freshman year started Jordan and I became best friends quickly, then roommates our sophomore year and now captains together. I am very excited for this year with her by my side. I am very glad NDC has brought me not just Jordan, but Madi and KB also and the rest of the team."

Pasalaqua told me that she got her athleticism from her dad and she got her outgoing and debating personality from her mom. "My mom claims that she is the athletic one but she chose not to participate,"Pasalaqua said with a chuckle.

Then she told me the obvious, that her best memory since she has been at NDC was winning the MEC Championship in the spring. She told me that she can vividly remember every minute of that game and loves telling people all about it. She talked about how the team earned it and she was especially happy for the seniors to exit with such a memorable season ending and getting the ring that they deserved.

The Madison native also talked about the difference between soccer at different levels:

"The style of play is the biggest change between the two levels. You go from a game of kickball in high school where everyone's mindset is just to keep the ball out of the net and work up to score, but that's not the smartest way. At the collegiate level you learn it is about connecting passes with each other and having that great distribution with one another."

Pasalaqua also talked about how this team pushes each other not only on the field but off:

"We push each other on the field to make each other better. We are an extremely competitive team and we do not enjoy losing or tying. Everyone accepts criticism or feedback in different ways, but I think most of the team is accepting of it. We realize it will only make us better. Every girl brings different skills to the game and it benefits us to share what we know. Off the field, we push each other in our academics. If you want to continue to play and be able to play, you need to keep your grades up. It's as simple as that!"

Kalie Blaising (#15)



Mansfield, Ohio

She stands five foot six and is a midfielder from Mansfield who started all 11 games in the spring.

She played a grand total of 865 minutes

She was second on the team with 24 shots

She tied for second on the team in shots on goal with 10.

Here is what Barr had to say about the motor that Blaising has:

" KB is a teammate who works until she has nothing in her. She pushes herself until she can not push anymore. When I see her tired, exhausted, breathing heavily on the field or at a practice and then a second later she's fighting to get the ball, it makes you want to work just as hard because you're seeing your teammates work that hard."

Shiels agreed:

"KB is one of the players who really loves to compete and hates to lose (or tie.) She is creative when the ball gets to her feet. She tries new things, and has a street baller mentality about her."

Blaising talked about the proccess of coming to NDC:

"At first I was very unsure about whether or not I would be attending college but after visiting NDC I knew it would be something I would enjoy. Not to mention the way the dorms are setup and the privacy that comes with that. Throughout the recruiting process I knew they would be in the running and once getting on campus I knew that this would be the one."

Pasalaqua talked about her first encounter with Blaising:

"The first time I met KB it was like meeting another me. She and I have very similar styles of play and mindsets. When we're in the game and I have the ball, I often look straight at her and we can just read each others minds and know what our next move will be. I am excited what she has to offer this upcoming season, I believe she can and will score many goals for us. "

Blaising talked about how she enjoys pressure:

" For me I like the pressure, it is something that gives me a reason to work harder."

Barr talked about Blaising:

" When I first met KB she was not shy. She is a very outgoing person which I admire about her, I knew KB was going to be a great fit for our team. She's super funny, loud, ambitious, kind, smart, an all around amazing player. We became friends quickly."

Madi Marino



Stow, OH

Marino is a midfielder that stands at five foot three .

She was Second Team All-MEC

She was a member of the MEC-All Freshman Team

She played in and started all 11 games this spring.

She was fourth on the team in minutes played and took 16 shots, with nine of them being on goal.

She also tallied an assist.

According to teammate Drew Barr, Marino has GRIT:

" Madi is the true definition of GRIT. Someone who is constantly working and fighting for what they want and never gives up. Madi can go a whole entire game while sprinting to every ball she's played, beating defenders one on one, and doing so much on the field to help the team.

The way she works is like no one I've seen before. She does not give up and is truly inspirational on and off the field."

Shiels gave his thoughts about Marino:

" One of the biggest things in soccer that Madi is really good at is running with the ball. She is relentless when she has the ball, and she is a big part of what we do as a team."

Pasalaqua talked about the first time she met Marino:

" I got to know Madi during the summer of 2020. She is a bubbly and outgoing person. Madi a very accepting person, meaning she is easy going and not judgmental. .

Marino talked about how she felt welcomed at first:

" JP, Drew, and KB are good teammates because they made me feel welcomed in everything, fun people to be around, and their soccer skills are amazing. They're some of the funniest and kindest people and I am so happy to be able to play with them. "

Marino told me the coaching staff is caring both on and off the field:

" I really like how they care how you're doing not just athletically but academically as well."

She mentioned that she got her kindness towards others from her mom, and her work ethic from her dad. "He is one of the hardest working people I have ever met,"she said.

Drew Barr (#2)



Kettering, Ohio

Barr is a five foot two defender from Kettering, Ohio who played in and started all 11 games this spring. She saw action in 569 minutes while taking two shots.

She talked about choosing NDC:

" I invited Rob (Miller) our assistant coach to watch one of my club teams, the Galaxies. I heard about the school through my high school coach because he knew Rob and thought I might be interested. Rob emailed me after the tournament asking me if I was interested in a visit. I later visited NDC and ended up loving it, the atmosphere, and the people. I ended up coming to Notre Dame College the end of my junior year in 2018. I would say Coach Shiels and Rob really sold me on this place. And let's just say I do not regret my decision."

She talked about her thoughts on the coaching staff:

" My first impression of the coaching staff was on my visit. They were super nice and friendly, and sold me on the school. We sat down and discussed everything that was needed to be discussed which resulted in my family and I leaving the visit very happy. I specifically remember the pizza place (The California Pizza Kitchen At Legacy Village) they took me because my family and I go a lot when they come into town."

Pasalaqua talked about Barr:

"I first met Drew at orientation. I quickly learned that Drew was someone I could trust and talk to about anything, without judgment. I love Drew's style of play because she is aggressive and will do anything to keep her mark away from the ball and from scoring. She is the player that will go against a girl twice her size and Drew will still win that tackle. I am very excited to be a captain with her this season."

Blaising talked about meeting Barr and Marino:

" When I first met Drew and Madi I remember thinking they were very quiet but once I was able to see them on the field I knew they would be a huge benefit to the team."

Barr talked about her relationship with Blaising, Marino, and Pasalaqua:

"What makes KB, Madi, and Jordan such great teammates is the fact that they're more than teammates. They're my best friends, family, someone I would do anything for. And with that relationship and trust I have with them it transfers onto the field and creates a chemistry for the team that some others may not have."

Shiels talked about Barr:

"Drew is tenacious, and she is a smart player as well. Put those things together and she is a big part of our back line. "

Barr started soccer at a young age she told me due to the fact that her dad coached and her two older sisters both played. She has been surrounded by soccer since she was born.

Barr closed by talking about her expectations for the coming season:

"My expectations for the upcoming year and team are big. I expect a winning season and for us to be successful during tournament time. I believe we have the talent we need to be great. I want the team to be connected not just on the field but off as well. I think making sure your team has chemistry is very important towards the outcome of your season. I'm super excited and eager to get back with the team like I said and ready to put in the time and work that's needed."

Shiels said the expectations are the same this year as is the case every year:

We want to compete for a conference championship and ultimately compete in the national tournament."

After The Conference Title!

Blaising shows off her footwork.

Marino begins running with the ball.

Barr is not intimidated.

Pasalaqua goes up for the save.

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