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  • Writer's picturePete Valerian

Roland's Big Day Not Enough As Falcons Rally Falls Short.

Jordan Roland scored 25 points, and was one of a pair of Notre Dame College Falcons in double figures, as Tyland Crawford added 13. The Falcons season ended with a record of 8-9.

The Glenville State College Pioneers improved to 9-3 with the 83-68 win. The trio of John Williams- Hegel Augustin- and- Nick Edwards combined for 66 of the Pioneers 83 points. Williams poured in 31 to lead the way to go with 13 rebounds- and five assists- Augustin netted 19- and- pulled down 16 rebounds- and- Nick Edwards added 16- and- seven boards.

It took 1:27 before either team could get into the scoring column before Roland made a layup for the first points of the contest. After trading the lead a few times NDC would get a pair of John Godinez baskets thata gave the Falcons a 11-9 lead nearly six minutes in. After a 5-0 Pioneers run NDC would answer with a 7-0 run of their own to take a 24-22 lead after a Roland 3-pointer with 10:30 in the first half. It was a three point game (33-30) after a Javontae Jones hoop, but Glenville would close the half on a 10-2 run to take a 43-32 lead into the locker room.

NDC shot 42 percent in the opening half- but just 27 percent (3-11) from the 3-point line- and converted the only free throw they took in the opening 20 minutes.

The Pioneers shot 43 percent from the field- 42 percent (8-19) from the 3-point line- and- 50 percent (3-6) from the free throw line in the opening half.

The Pioneers led by 13, before NDC started on the comeback trail. After being down 14 (56-42) the Falcons would go on a 10-0 run, as Roland would score six points, and then a pair of layups by Crawford, and Mike Sampson cut the lead to 56-52 with 10:57 on the clock. Godinez- and- Dane DeSouza would trade 3-pointer's before the Falcons got a pair of buckets by Crawford- and- Sampson to get to within two (61-59) with just under nine minutes to go. Williams, and Godinez would trade baskets to make it 63-61 but the Pioneers would take control with a run that stretched the lead back out to double digits (75-64) at the 4:12 mark. NDC would get it to single digits one last time but the Pioneers would advance to tomorrow night's semifinals to take on West Liberty at 8:15 PM.

NDC Coach Mark Richmond talked about today's game being a microcosm of the team's season:

" I was proud of our effort. Today was kind of a microcosm of our season. We didn't start out great. We got better and better as the year went on and that's what happened in this game,"Richmond explained.

"Playing a shortened season, not having any scrimmages and non conference games it took us a while to get going, but finally once we got into February we were playing pretty well,"Richmond stated.

He continued:

" This was the first time a lot of guys were playing in a situation like this and we had to expand so much energy getting back into the game that we just couldn't get over the hump."

NDC was led by 25 points from Roland- Crawford tallied 13- Godinez netted nine- and- Sampson contributed eight points- and- eight rebounds. As a team the Falcons shot 44 percent from the field- 35 percent (6-17) from the 3-point line- and- 60 percent (6-10) from the free throw line. NDC had eight assists- and- 11 turnovers in the contest.

The Pioneers shot 43 percent as a team- 35 percent (12-34) from the 3-point line- and- 68 percent (13-19) at the free throw line. GSC won the rebounding battle 46-33- and- had 14 assists- as well as 11 turnovers as a team.

Roland talked about how tough it was to guard the Glenville trio:

" Those guys are very talented. They're the big three and we were preparing for them all week. We wanted to try and contain them as much as possible, but sadly we couldn't do that today. We had the game plan going in to try and do that, but it didn't work out in our favor. Those guys are just very tough,"Roland said.

Glenville State will advance to Saturday's semifinals where they will take on West Liberty. Tip time is slated for 8:15 PM.

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