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  • Writer's picturePete Valerian

Taking More Of A Leadership Role and rebuilding culture while attempting to make a tournament run

It has been an up and down season for Notre Dame College Women's basketball. "As far as the tournament goes I feel like we have shown glimpses of what we can do. We need to go into the rest of the season with the underdog mentality," NDC redshirt junior guard Kennadi Harris stated. "I think we have what it takes to win the tournament. We just need to stay together as a team. We have surprised some people and beaten some teams when people thought we had little to no chance to win. We need to defend, score, and rebound. Rebounding is a big one for us because our team does not have a lot of size," she added.

Then she talked about her teammate:

"Lilee (Carlson) is a really good leader. She speaks up when she needs to. She makes the right plays when she needs to. She is a really good player and we have similar personalities which is why we clicked so quickly. She is a great teammate and a great person."

"I think we have the ability to win the tournament. As far as individually I need to remain consistent and I truly believe we can go on a run,"NDC junior guard Lilee Carlson mentioned.

"Coach Lo (head coach) Lauren Macer and (Assistant) Coach Lex (Lexi Hassing) really worked hard with us. They are really easy to relate to on and off the court. It is refreshing to have coaches that were in our position not long ago," Carlson explained.

Harris added:

Like Lilee said it is refreshing. They relate to us. My last coach when I was at my last JUCO was 81 and he was set in his ways. He did not like making changes and was a lot harder to relate to. We conflicted and did not see eye to eye. He was not open to change or with the times. We definitely have input with our current coaches and it helps us as players that the coaches know what we have been through as they were in our position not that long ago."

"It is refreshing. We have some new faces on the team this season and the coaches are very relatable," Carlson mentioned. "I did not get to play for Coach Lo the last time she was here but she did recruit me and left right before I started playing. In the last two years we have had to build our confidence up once again on the court," she added.

Then Harris talked goals from the beginning of the season:

"It was a goal as a team when Coach Lo came back to get things back to where they were when she was here the first time. It was a goal as a team with things not going in our favor prior to this season. We have had to make improvements as players and coaches. Coach Lo and Coach Lex are the right coaches to get this program back on track."

Then Harris talked about the ups and downs of the season:

"it is like anything. We have had a lot of ups and downs, have good days and bad, mental health is very important. Things look a lot different than we anticipated this season."

Carlson agreed:

"This year has been a lot different for sure. Half the team is new from last season, we had to build both on and off the court. We all trust each other which is a big thing."

Carlson told me about how much fun she is having this season despite the ups and downs:

"I have had a lot more fun this year than in years past. We all set the same goals and we all want to win, while also trying to have fun. We are at our best when we are having fun."

Then Carlson talked leadership:

"I had to step up and take more of a leadership role this season. We have had to rebuild our culture. I just do whatever it takes to help the team win whether that is shooting, rebounding, passing, or scoring."

Harris gave another thought about the coaches:

"Our coaches have taught me a lot. They all know what we can do based on our abilities. If you mess around in practice you will not do well in the game. You just have to stay disciplined, what you put in is what you get out."

Carlson talked misperception:

"The biggest misperception is that it is that much similar to high school. We get help with a lot of things and it takes a lot of work to make the adjustments that come with it."

Then she talked the connection to Stow Monroe Falls High School:

"I played with Theresa (Parr) both my freshman year in high school and my freshman year here at NDC. I talked to her, she said good things and influenced my decision for sure. I was glad to play with her again."

Then Harris talked about the home court advantage:

"It is an advantage for sure when our fans show up to the games. It is a great atmosphere when we have lots of fans and generally we are at our best when the building has a lot of energy. We have gone on some runs when the crowd is into the game and cheering us on, when they are really involved in the game."

Then she gave this thought:

"I play as hard as I can. I am not a captain but have taken a leadership role as well. I have more experience than some of the girls on this team, I try and shoot the ball and do whatever I can to help the team win. When I have an off shooting night I try and help in other areas like rebounding, passing, playing defense. Like I said whatever it takes to help the team win I'm going to do it the best that I can."

Carlson, Harris, and the Notre Dame College Falcons enter the MEC Tournament as the 10th seed and will take on seventh seeded Glenville State University at WesBanco Arena in Wheeling, West Virginia. Tip off is set for March 6th at Noon.

Carlson pulls up for the jumper.

Harris ready to make a move.

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